Increase early and on time kindergarten registration Hundreds of families received “Get Ready for Kindergarten” packets and reported they have registered their child for kindergarten Increase in number of children and families participating in activities that will support transitions 500 children participated in kindergarten academies and other activities that support transitions 100% of all children are receiving a kindergarten readiness book at Capital kindergarten registra
Increase in developmental screenings, referral, and follow-up service Hundreds of families have been educated on the importance of developmental screening Increase in number of families who receive information on children’s health and developmental milestones 4,000 newsletters distributed providing families with information on activities to promote learning, health, and wellness Increase in number of children and families participating in activities that educate on health and
Increase number of children with high needs experiencing high-quality early learning 23,500 children participated in learning programs provided by the Delaware Readiness Team Increase the number of children that have access to a book of their choice 42,000 books distributed during dozens of literacy initiatives Increase family resilience and strengthen protective factors 850 families participated in parent conferences,community cafes, and other family focused trainings
Dear Delaware Readiness Teams, I am part of the statistic of women living in poverty. I have three children and struggle to put food on the table, keep the electric on, and help my children become ready for school. But because of the readiness teams, I am also part of the statistic that has my daughter registered for kindergarten early, read to my children every night, and have my children screened and checked by a doctor on a regular schedule. What may have seemed like a s